It doesn't matter if you're trying to add affiliate links or even the URL for your website There's no doubt that there are advantages of putting links on social media. YouTube is an online platform that provides many opportunities, because it's the most popular video sharing website. While putting your links on your channel could be an excellent option, there are many things you can do to make them more appealing.

From improving how everything works, to examining the fundamentals of linking to this platform, we've got the details you require.

How do you Share links on YouTube?

YouTubers have plenty of choices for where they can place their hyperlinks, and it certainly offers a number of advantages. There's generally no harm in placing them in multiple places in order to maximize the greatest potential.

One of the most popular locations to place links is within the descriptions as you're given only five hundred characters, you'll have ample space to include as many links and as many text as you want. However, this doesn't mean dropping a huge number of links or a massive text block isn't a good decision, however balancing is usually the most important thing in this instance.

The final card, the sides or the bottom of the display, or even the description of your YouTube channel are all areas in which you could place links, with certain areas better suited for specific links than others.

Sharing Affiliate links on YouTube

It's true that the YouTube Partner Program (YPP) isn't a very reliable or constant method for creators of content to earn money from their content, but that does not mean there's no alternative. One viable option that can help you earn a little money could be through affiliate marketing. While it's not difficult however, there are a few ways you can take to increase the amount of traffic coming from your affiliate partners.

Here are a few of suggestions that could assist you in promoting your affiliate link:

  1. Make use of call to action to make your links more appealing. In many instances it's helpful to utilize link shorteners as well as a link that is plain can appear less reliable.
  2. Think about adding comments with affiliate links, and pin them so that they are the first thing viewers be able to see when scrolling down.
  3. It is possible to utilize an affiliate link in your final card if you're part of the YPP However, it's crucial to note that the affiliate link must satisfy the requirements set by YouTube to ensure that you don't to face any problems.

Do not create an excessively detailed video description.

It's sometimes not a great idea to include many hyperlinks inside the title of your YouTube video. It's true that affiliate links are beneficial; however, a large number of text and links won't necessarily have an impact. This is because adding too much information in the confines of YouTube could prove too overwhelming for viewers and may be viewed as unprofessional.

If you place everything in the description and include a few of the most notable ones into a pin comment, you could be able to gain more attention from your comment's links however, the links included in your description are more likely to be overlooked this isn't the best option if you're hoping to get more visitors to the links.

How do you get a more balanced outcome from your link placement? We believe that Pastefree is a great tool to help.

Make use of a Pastefree page to create links within the description

If you're concerned about how you can fit everything into your description, but make it manageable you might want to consider making sure that all your associate links (and any other information that pertains to them) in a Pastefree page. It's not difficult to make and maintain the list of links using Pastefree. It can aid in reducing clutter in your description space at once.

This lets you have the flexibility to include as much information as you'd like on the hyperlinks, knowing that viewers would be intrigued (since they clicked through for your page at the beginning). The description can be focused on the things that are crucial to your video, such as personal social media channels as well as keywords or information about sponsorships for your video.

In essence, Pastefree could be an ideal way to clear space for other details that are important. It can also be more efficient, as you can control your information and links whenever you require, without needing to modify the description for each video.

Copying and pasting the URL into your website is also much simpler than filling in the information of affiliate links for every YouTube video you upload each time you have to upload videos. That's another benefit to take into consideration.