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Pastefree Is a Free Tools for creating anonymouse post Online

Create Post

A better way to share posts online.

Create Text And Links Together

Create Short Notes with a mixture of text and links and Publish it for easy online sharing.
All links in your text will be detected and converted into clickable links

Create Anonymously

Create messages and share without sharing your personal information,
You don't Even Have to Create an account

Prevent Linked Sites From Seeing your Post

Typically, any website can see where its visitors came from. adds an option that enables you to redirect users through Google.

Create in Fancy Mode

Take Full control of the post you create. Decide how you style it, where to insert links and which links to convert.
Beauty More Gives you many customization options.

Boost your productivity,Start using PasteFree today.

Pastefree Is the best way to create anonymouse posts online. If you choose to be anonymous, we have got you.

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